6 things I’d never considered doing before lockdown

by | May 8, 2020

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I’ve been thinking about things that I’ve been doing since we’ve been in lockdown that I wouldn’t have considered before.

1. Dress up Friday

When lockdown started, I realised that most of my time would be spent in relaxed and comfy clothes and secret pyjamas; see – My 6 Hero Dressmaking patterns of the lockdown so far. I also realised I needed an antidote to that – that I’ve got lots of lovely clothes that I enjoy wearing that do not fit within this category, so every Friday I decided I would dress up, put on something fabulous, do my hair & make-up and wear actual shoes!

2. Displaying artwork in the front window

I’m loving seeing everyone’s rainbows and other works of art in their windows. And we are displaying some rainbow art in our window, but I’d only considered putting kids drawings on the fridge or maybe the walls before lockdown started.

3. Gardening

I love pretty things, but I don’t really enjoy getting my hands dirty. So before lockdown I might have considered my gardening level as supervisory, being bossy and giving instructions to be executed by someone else, but at the weekend I actually found myself, edging grass, weeding and digging out roots.
We’ve bought some seeds to plant and hopefully will see them start to grow soon.

4. Standing on the doorstep and clapping

This is a weird one! So we’re all going to come outside and stand on our doorsteps at a pre-arranged time every week and clap with our neighbours?!
Don’t get me wrong I’m very appreciative for NHS staff and other keyworkers who are holding our country together and caring for our sick & vulnerable, and we are out there acceptably distanced from our neighbours showing our support. But we would have never thought of doing this before!

5. Teaching dressmaking via Zoom

Dressmaking is such a β€œhands on” subject that I’d never considered teaching online – but here we are in these strange times and people are wanting to learn to sew.
So I’m teaching one to one lessons via video meetings in Zoom. These work really well for basics such as how to thread up your machine or specific techniques like understitching. I’ve got some availability if you would like to book a slot.

Book your 30 Minute Learn to Sew by Zoom Here – Β£10

6. Couch to 5K

Before lockdown the most exercise I was doing was a couple of 2-3 mile walk a week with my Mum. Running a business can be all consuming and exercise slips down the list of priorities, but inspired by Facebook friends I had seen using the Couch to 5k app, I downloaded it to my phone as well as a running playlist and I’ve just completed week 4 this morning.

What have you considered doing since lockdown that you’d have never done before? Hit reply to this email to let me know what you’ve been up to.

Love & Stitches
Alison xx

Happy VE Day!
Even though today is a Holiday I’m still here for you this evening at 6.30pm for our iSEWlation Sew Together by Zoom, for sewing chat and advice.


Isewlation Sew Together by Zoom – Friday 8th May 6.30pm

Pay as you can/Pay as you feel here – If you are in a financially secure position, please pay whatever you feel is right. If your income like mine is recarious at best right now, then join us for free.

Bagladybird – Learn to Sew – Friday iSEWlation Sew Together

Time: May 8th, 2020 18:30 London

Click here to Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 358 852 964

Password: 016654

The Love & Stitches Club

An exclusive membership club where you can learn to sew and create your own handmade clothes, from the comfort of your own home

Learn to create an entire wardrobe of wonderful, stylish outfits. Whatever your personal style, size and tastes, you’ll learn to make beautiful clothes that will last for years and gain compliments wherever you go.