We’re just coming to the end of the current term of Sewing School courses. And let me tell you there have been some amazing sewing success!
You are all so amazing and I love hanging out with you for a few hours every week!
I really love to see what you all make and enjoy seeing your progress during the course. And of course how you grow your skills and grow in confidence. It just makes me smile from the inside out!
I’m sharing some photos below. Of some of the amazing makes that were finished in class or that were send to me afterwards.
If I haven’t shared photos of all the finished makes. It’s because sometimes we just don’t get time to photograph your make. Regardless, I still super impressed with what you’ve made.
Each of these students has joined Sewing School for their own reasons. Everyone joins with different levels of experience. I love seeing all the sewing success and skill progression whatever their starting point.
Nicola has attended sewing school a few times and usually makes a few garments during the course. These fab tie waist trousers were an ideal pairing with this super high heel print viscose fabric. Super swishy for Nicola to wear on her UK cruise.

You might have seen Amanda’s face and makes on here before. Amanda says sewing school is her therapy. Currently working to overcome her fear of zips! This Friday Pattern Co Wilder Gown was completed by week two of the course. Which gave Amanda plenty of time to successfully insert a zip in a Victory Patterns Madeleine Skirt.

Kerry was a complete newbie when she came to Sewing School. She loved this style of dress. It was a more advanced pattern and fabric and pushed outside her comfort zone. But Kerry took to it like a duck to water and completed this stunning lined dress.

Shelia was a novice when her daughter gifted her a Sewing School course for her birthday. Choosing to make a simple pull on top with a more slippery fabric. An amazingly successful first make that fits really well and suits Sheila’s style too.

Sue joined the 5 day Sewing School after having a few single sessions beforehand. She really caught the sewing bug and completed 3 garments during the week. Two Tilly & the Buttons Stevies and a pair of Jaimie Pyjama Bottoms. A roaring success!

Jane & Liz
Jane was a first time Sewing Schooler but had done some quilting and was confident on her sewing machine. She wanted to understand patterns better, get a better fit as well as become more confident in using different fabrics. To make clothes for herself and her daughter. I think you’ll agree, that Jane did a marvellous job of this top.
Liz has been attending Sewing School for the past few years. And this Closet Core Kalle Shirt was her more advanced make so far. Liz worked through the frustrations that she encountered throughout the process and ended up with a really successful make. She even got complimented the first time she wore it.

If you’re thinking of joining the next Sewing School courses, you can find out more here.
Click here to find my recommendations on choosing a pattern for your first project.
Love & Stitches
Alison xx