Do you daydream about sewing? Make your dreams come true…

by | Oct 12, 2018

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Have you had dreams of all the fabulous things you would like to make once you started sewing?

I know I did! I was 14 when I first started sewing with big ideas of becoming a famous fashion designer when I grew up. Luckily I found a very talented friend of my parents, Janet, who taught me the basics and I started to make my own clothes, including my prom dress.
I went on to study fashion at Doncaster College and then to get a degree in Fashion Design at university to further develop my skills, but it all started from me having a really fantastic tutor to show me the ropes.

But without the foundation of Janet’s patient tuition I’m not sure my skills would have developed to the level they have today.

It is through my learning and years of building and honing my skills that I am now able to pass the benefit of my experience and teach these dressmaking skills to you.

Is this you?

  • Always pinning ideas for sewing projects on Pinterest, but don’t know how to start making
  • Looking at clothes in shops and thinking… if only something was slightly different, then it would be perfect?
  • Kids or Grandkids on the way and imagining just how cute they’ll look in clothes made by Mummy or Granny.
  • Sick and tired of shop bought clothes not fitting you properly?
  • Have a sewing machine or overlocker gathering dust because you’re too scared to try and thread it up?
  • Have been sewing for years but have never got the perfect fit with your me-made clothes and have given up making for yourself?

I have options of 1:1 lessons and packages designed to help you achieve your sewing plans and dreams.

The entry level lessons for sewing machine novices are the “Get to Know your Sewing Machine” lessons, perfect if you’ve got a new (or new to you) sewing machine or overlocker.

1 hour – Β£30 – Book here
2 hours – Β£60 – Book here

In these lessons we go through the basics of threading, different stitches and their use, seam allowance and using your machine as well as basic maintenence and care. Enough for you to feel confident using your machine on your own.
The two hour lesson goes more in depth, and is perfect if you are especially nervous of your machine or if you want to do more than the basics with your sewing machine or overlocker.

The 1:1 packages I offer allow you to learn whatever you want to learn, and are suitable for either beginners or intermediate dressmakers.

Because the lessons are tailored to your specific sewing goals, I offer a free 30 minute consultation with me to chat through what you would like to learn and how I can help you to achieve your goals.

Book a free 30 minute consultation here.

Price List for 1:1 block bookings
3 x 1.5 hour lesson (4.5 hours total) – Β£125
5 x 2 hour lesson (10 hours total) – Β£250

If you just need a one off lesson to get you unstuck with something you’re stuck with you can book a 1.5 hour lesson for Β£50 here.

Fit Your Make – Fitting Support

Getting the correct fit on your garment can elevate your dressmaking to the next level. If husbands/friends/partners are not helpful in pinning and adjusting garments, then you need my help to alter and adjust the fit of your garment and pattern.
If you’re nearly the finishing post with a fabulous garment ut need an extra pair of hands to get the fit spot on, book a fitting support lesson.

Fit your Make – Fitting Support Lesson – 45 minutes Β£20 – Book here

Of course theres still a fabulous range of group courses and workshops available and November workshops are due to be launched very soon, so watch this space.

Hope to see you sewing soon,
Alison xx

PS you can sign up to my newsletter HERE to find out about all the other group workshops and things going on at Bagladybird – Learn to Sew.

The Love & Stitches Club

An exclusive membership club where you can learn to sew and create your own handmade clothes, from the comfort of your own home

Learn to create an entire wardrobe of wonderful, stylish outfits. Whatever your personal style, size and tastes, you’ll learn to make beautiful clothes that will last for years and gain compliments wherever you go.