Empowering more people to make their own clothes! 👚

by | Jun 18, 2020

Mailchimp header new pic iSEWlation 2020

Last week I put a call out through social media and my newsletter for you to answer a few questions. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. Your input helped me make the decision to start a monthly online membership club to help more of you learn to sew and increase your dressmaking skills.

The Bagladybird – Learn to Sew Membership Club is open for you to subscribe to now and the fabulous inspiring Learn to Sew content will begin from 1st July!

All the content within the club is exclusive to club members and will not be available anywhere else online, but it’s all designed to make you a better dressmaker and to increase your skills.
Within the club there are 3 different levels for you to choose from, based on the input you gave in last week’s survey.


Join the Learn to Sew Membership Club Now


As a Cotton member you will get exclusive behind the scenes photos and videos of my personal dressmaking projects and downloadable worksheets/printable tutorials to make you a better dressmaker.

Ready to get stuck in?

As a Linen Member you will get everything in the Cotton tier plus: in depth Video Tutorials and Sew Alongs for specific patterns and a monthly live Q&A session with me.

You’re ready to take your skills to the next level…  You are Silk!

With one to one Zoom video lessons and the ability to help plan upcoming tutorials and sew alongs.

You will also get access to everything in Cotton & Linen.

I’m so excited to have you join me in the Learn to Sew Monthly Membership Club that you can sign up now and you will not be charged until July when the content will go LIVE!

Sign up now! Ready to start in July

Please share this with any of your sewing buddies too, I’m on a mission to build the best online community and empower so many more people to be able to sew their own clothes and clothes for their family.

Love & stitches
Alison xx


iSEWlation Sew Together by Zoom – Friday 19th June 6.30pm

Pay as you can/Pay as you feel here – If you are in a financially secure position, please pay whatever you feel is right. If your income like mine is precarious at best right now, then join us for free.

Bagladybird – Learn to Sew – Friday iSEWlation Sew Together

Time: June 19th, 2020 18:30 London

Join Zoom Meeting HERE

Meeting ID: 358 852 964

Password: 016654

The Love & Stitches Club

An exclusive membership club where you can learn to sew and create your own handmade clothes, from the comfort of your own home

Learn to create an entire wardrobe of wonderful, stylish outfits. Whatever your personal style, size and tastes, you’ll learn to make beautiful clothes that will last for years and gain compliments wherever you go.