From Something Old to Something New – Upcycling Tablecloths

by | Jun 5, 2020

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I want to share with you a project that I finished last week.

The Made my Wardrobe Amaya Shirt was something I’d made before. Some of you might remember this version in this mustard crinkle animal print from Waltons Fabrics.

But almost immediately I saw this pattern I knew I wanted to make one using embroidered tablecloths to take advantage of the patterns peasant folky style.

It wouldn’t be the first time I had made something with a tablecoth. This is a slighly adapted Chalk & Notch Farrah Top on the left of this photo.

If you are new to upcycling, tablecloths make a great source of fabrics. I tend to look in charity shops as well as searching on ebay to find the ones I have got. I already had 2 tablecloths already in my stash before lockdown began that were earmarked for this project.

When working with an existing embroidered (or printed) design on your fabric it is important to get the placement of the pattern pieces just right to make maxium use of the design, which means that you need more fabric that if the placement was irrelevant. (Don’t worry, any scraps that I don’t use get passed on to Project Linus who use them to make quilts for sick babies and children.) So I knew that I’d need 2 large tablecloths for this project.

The front, back and neck binding/tie are all from one tablecloth and the sleeves are from another. I had to cut the top section of the sleeves on the bias and reduce the fullness of the gathers on the lower sleev due to the amount of fabric. I used the scalloped hem of the tablecloth as the hem on the sleeve.

I’m really pleased with the finished result. and it was a nice quick make despite the fact that it look a bit more time fussy cutting the fabric and using french seams for all the seams.

This will be back as a one day workshop in the Autumn (fingers crossed!). You can buy Gift Vouchers Here to pay in advance.

Love & stitches
Alison xx


iSEWlation Sew Together by Zoom – Friday 5th June 6.30pm

Pay as you can/Pay as you feel here – If you are in a financially secure position, please pay whatever you feel is right. If your income like mine is precarious at best right now, then join us for free.

Bagladybird – Learn to Sew – Friday iSEWlation Sew Together

Time: June 5th, 2020 18:30 London

Join Zoom Meeting HERE

Meeting ID: 358 852 964

Password: 016654

Alison xx

The Love & Stitches Club

An exclusive membership club where you can learn to sew and create your own handmade clothes, from the comfort of your own home

Learn to create an entire wardrobe of wonderful, stylish outfits. Whatever your personal style, size and tastes, you’ll learn to make beautiful clothes that will last for years and gain compliments wherever you go.