I’d Love you to Tell me the Reason why you Sew?

by | Jul 17, 2020

I recently asked this question in my Facebook group Learning to Sew – I’d love you to tell me the reason why you sew?

I was fascinated by the range of answers and I’m sure you will be too. Here’s what they said:

  • I haven’t started yet, but I want an outlet for my creativity, a little time for myself and happy colourful, clothes for me and my children! (eventually..) πŸ₯΄πŸ€žπŸ»πŸ€žπŸ»
  • To have a few minutes to myself πŸ˜‚
  • – Same here!
  • To learn, to grow, to create, to reminisce about my loved ones who loved to sew and planted a seed ❀️🧡
  • To make cool stuff!
  • Because I love being creative πŸ₯°
  • I have no idea. I get so frustrated sometimes with my silly mistakes but I keep going back for more πŸ˜„ I find myself excuses Such as my daughter needs another dress etc.
  • It’s a good way to escape from stresses of life πŸ’œ
  • It gets me out of housework πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜‚
  • Partly because I like to create and partly because I have different taste (and a not standard size/height) to what is in the shops.
  • I do it because it’s wonderful to make something you are proud of despite the errors and unpicking. It’s my therapy too as it stops me thinking about my job!
  • I had to give up work a couple of years ago due to ill health, so I needed to find a hobby. My mum used to sew so I thought I would give it a go as I’m fascinated by the whole process of dress making. Turns out it’s also great exercise for my dodgy wrist, fingers and hands, which are riddled with arthritis, so much so it was endorsed by my consultant as a good thing to do! Winner winner πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

There are some definite themes emerging from your answers.

  • Creativity
  • Helps health/mental health
  • Me time
  • Making clothes to suit you
  • Distraction

For me personally it has always been about the clothes, I was interested in fashion and had a quirky individual style as a teenager that you couldn’t easily satisfy in the local shops. Learning to sew allowed me to bring into reality all the wonderful ideas in my head. Clothing is a means of self-expression for me and sewing helps me to express my truest self. I can make clothes for myself that not only fit my style, they also fit my body because I have learnt the skills to alter and adapt patterns and to draft my own patterns from scratch.

I really enjoy the technical aspects of dressmaking too, that there are rules and reasons for the way to do things and following the steps through the process creates 3D magic from 2D fabric. I love that there are different ways to tackle the same project and each will bring equally valid and slightly varied results. I like that dressmaking takes precision and creativity and that the skills can be learnt and mastered with time, patience, persistence and practice.

What is your reason for sewing? Tell me in the comments below.

Alison xx

The Love & Stitches Club

An exclusive membership club where you can learn to sew and create your own handmade clothes, from the comfort of your own home

Learn to create an entire wardrobe of wonderful, stylish outfits. Whatever your personal style, size and tastes, you’ll learn to make beautiful clothes that will last for years and gain compliments wherever you go.