Learn to Sew – Aprons – Workshop – Review

by | Mar 3, 2016

The second workshop of the year was Learn to Sew – Aprons held at St Nicholas Church Hall in Bawtry.

We made vintage style frilled pinnies. Have a look at the photos below to see what we got up to.


All set up and ready to go


The cutting table


The sewing table – Alison showing how to do the next bit



Gathering the frill by hand


Overlocking the seam to neaten up the edges


Concentrating on the overlocking


Hard at work


The finishing touches – sewing the pocket on


Here’s one I made earlier


Navy & Ditsy flowers

Maggs Pinny

Cupcakes & polka dots


Maggs – Proud of her finished work

Techniques learnt:

  • Overlocking
  • Edge stitching
  • Top stitching
  • Gathering
  • Stitch in the ditch

Here is some wonderful feedback I received from one of the workshoppers after the event – “Fab workshop today… to say I’ve not looked at a sewing machine in 20 years, and the last thing I made was a little waist coat…. I’m pleased with my efforts. Big thanks xxx” – Maggs

The next workshop is Learn to Sew Skirts, on Saturday 2nd April 2016 at Austerfield Study Centre, DN10 6RG, 1-4.30pm.

Please give me a call on 07957 437001 as places are filling up fast. Or contact me through my facebook page: BagLadyBird – Learn to Sew.

Alison xx

The Love & Stitches Club

An exclusive membership club where you can learn to sew and create your own handmade clothes, from the comfort of your own home

Learn to create an entire wardrobe of wonderful, stylish outfits. Whatever your personal style, size and tastes, you’ll learn to make beautiful clothes that will last for years and gain compliments wherever you go.