Love to Sew? 7 Reasons Why

by | Nov 8, 2021

Do you want to know why I love to sew? I’ll tell you why…

1. I Love Fashion

For me, sewing has always been about making clothes. I’ve always loved clothes and fashion from being a small child. I love the history of clothes and the cyclical nature of fashion, how things always come around again. It’s also fun predicting trends and seeing what will come next.

2. Wearing Unique Clothes

The ability to make my own clothes means that I don’t look like a carbon copy of everyone else. When I’ve made it myself, I know it’s exactly how I want it to be. That can bit fit, colour, fabric, style or details. It opens up a whole new world of fashion at my fingertips.

3. Making Friends who Love to Sew

Meeting new people who love the same things as I do is awesome. For me, it’s mainly students who come to my classes. There are also students who have made new and lasting friendships at my classes too.

I have also made friendships through people who work at fabric shops too. Instagram is great for building connections to other sewists and you can arrange an in person meet up.

Craft shows or exhibitions are other places where you can meet new people who like the same things as you.

4. Sewing is Therapy

The way that sewing engages your brain and stops you from ruminating on anything that’s troubling you is therapy in fabric form! I have lost count of the number of students that walk into the studio after a stressful day that leave in a relaxed state.

Next time you’re feeling stressed out; reach for the sewing machine! I’d love to hear how it works for you.

5. Creative Problem Solving

Our brains need to be gently challenged to reach their full potential. There’s nothing like a sewing conundrum to get those wheels in gear and get those rusty cogs whirring. Whatever your skill or experience level there are always new things to stretch the grey matter.

6. It is Magic

Did you know that I can take a flat piece of fabric and with some thread turn it into a wonderful sculptural garment that clothes the body? Isn’t that just sorcery? I love to see it happen

I love to see the light in my students eyes when it starts to happen for them too.

Cutting and sewing fabric can create an infinite number of garments and some of those are first dreamed up in my head! Amazing!

7. Making things for Family

I don’t make things for others very often, but when it’s a special birthday I will find the time. I’m currently working on a Hoodie for my sister’s 40th. I made my eldest niece Rhianna’s prom dress for her 16th birthday.

Love to Sew - Rhianna's Prom Dress
Rhianna’s Prom Dress

This means that my family knows that when they get a handmade gift from me that it’s something very special. My brother is eagerly waiting for his 40th birthday, as I’ve told him he won’t get a hoodie before then!

I’d love to hear your reasons why you love to sew and if any of these reasons really resonate with you.

Love & Stitches

Alison xx

The Love & Stitches Club

An exclusive membership club where you can learn to sew and create your own handmade clothes, from the comfort of your own home

Learn to create an entire wardrobe of wonderful, stylish outfits. Whatever your personal style, size and tastes, you’ll learn to make beautiful clothes that will last for years and gain compliments wherever you go.