As a dressmaker I do tend to accumulate a lot of scraps of fabric. Last week my sewing has been all about scrap busting!
I’ve even been using tiny pieces that are pretty much good for nothing.
Let me tell you about my youngest niece, Florence’s 3rd Birthday Hoodie.
This was actually a project I’d had in mind for a while, in fact since Christmas 2020. My Mum & I had planned to work together. She would cut out and I would sew. And we would make one for Florence and one for her older sister India. But for reasons that now escape me, that never happened. Although we had printed and stuck together the patterns and cut out their sizes. We had also collected together an assortment of sweatshirt scraps ready to go!
The patten is the Ellie & Mac Sew Scrappy which has an adults & a kids version.
With it being 8 months later, I decided to go a size up and reprinted at recut the pattern at age 4. When I make kids clothes I like them to have as much wear in them as possible.
Within this little hoodie there are fabrics from 7 different garments belonging to various family members.
Gary’s Pattydoo Tony Hoodie is the hood, part of the waistband and one cuff.
Jack’s MBJM Emi T-shirt is the hood lining.
Mum Jade’s Helen’s Closet Blackwood Cardigan (made by my Mum) forms the back, the ties and a section on the front.
Auntie Jenni’s Helen’s Closet Blackwood Cardigan (made by my Mum) is the feather print section on the front and one sleeve.
The yellow cuff is from a yet to be made, Pattydoo Lynn Hoodie for my sister (Auntie Jenni).
My Made my Wardrobe Zahra Jumper is the turquoise cable on one sleeve and a front section.
And my Pattydoo Lynn Hoodie is the teal floral sections on the front as well as part of the waistband.
You can make your own Pattydoo Hoodie or Zahra Jumper following the Sew Alongs in the Love & Stitches Club.
I love how by scrap busting Florrie is wrapped in love by so many different family members clothes!
Love & Stitches
Alison xx