Sewing Gratitude 2021

by | Dec 20, 2021

Sewing Gratitude 2021 – At the end of the year I love to take a minute to think of all the things I’m grateful for that year.

2021 has been a real tough year for many of us. But if you’re here reading this, you’ve nearly made it!

Perhaps like me, sewing has definitely been one of the high points of your year. A solace and a therapy when life haven’t gone as planned. But perhaps that hasn’t been the case for you.

These are my top tips for finding sewing gratitude:

Skills Learnt

Think about all the new things you have learnt that you didn’t have a clue about last year.

Teachers Discovered

Have you found some a new class, teacher or even online go-to? How have they helped adding to your knowledge and skills this year?

You can check out my You Tube Channel here or find out more about the Love & Stitches Club, my online dressmaking club here.

Friends Gained

Sewing friends are definitely one of the best things about sewing. Friends who understand your sewing highs and lows are priceless! People to sew with, share with and laugh with! Both Friends made in class or virtually are all something to be grateful for.

sewing Gratitude
Sewing Friends

Garments Created

Sewing and wearing garments you created and the joy that brings is something to feel thankful for. Think of all the amazing garments you made in 2021.

Mistakes Made

Think of all those mistakes you made and the opportunities to learn and grow from those. It’s all part of the process of learning a new skill and as I’m always banging on… aim for progress over perfection.

The imperfections are were the beauty lies.

Fabric Collected

New and gorgeous fabrics to drool over and stroke that you have added to your collection over the last 12 months. They give you joy and inspiration.

Tell me about what sewing has made you grateful for this year in the comments.

Love & Stitches

Alison xx

The Love & Stitches Club

An exclusive membership club where you can learn to sew and create your own handmade clothes, from the comfort of your own home

Learn to create an entire wardrobe of wonderful, stylish outfits. Whatever your personal style, size and tastes, you’ll learn to make beautiful clothes that will last for years and gain compliments wherever you go.