Student Stories 2020 – A series of interviews with Sewing School Students in their own words. (3 of 5)
Do you remember the first garment you made?
I have vague memories of making a top at school which was a disaster. I come from a non-sewing household so never really did any. Although my mum bought a sewing machine when I was about 18.
About 1990, I went to night school and made a dress. I liked it, but was frustrated as 30 in a classroom for a couple of hours a week is frustrating when you haven’t a clue.
What is your greatest sewing accomplishment to date?
Although it sounds daft, a couple of Simplicity tops I made in the first lock down. Although they were relatively simple they were the first things I made by myself from beginning to end.

This meant I’d put the skills I’d learnt at Bagladybird Learn to Sew into practice.
What made you start lessons with Bagladybird?
I’ve always had a yen to sew. Now I’m retired I’ve got the time. I don’t know how I came across her on the internet, but I did.
The thought of small classes appealed as did a full week sewing school. At the end of my first week I had a completed dress. This was two years ago and I’ve since done lots of Sewing School courses. I absolutely love attending Sewing School.

What have you learnt with Bagladybird?
From how to use my machine, how to measure, different types of material, cutting out and make items of clothing. (This is just a few things.)
What’s on your sewing table right now?
Believe it or not curtains! I have made curtains in the past but these are the best I’ve made as I’ve put lots of the skills I’ve learnt into practice.
What’s next?
I’ve got a list of things I want to do and have patterns and material ready. I have a (Closet Core Patterns) Kalle top on the go, but am waiting for my next lesson to finish that as I’ve never done a collar before and need to learn.
I will start another Kalle before my next lesson in January, so I can put into practice what I learnt making the first one.
What do you love about Bagladybird lessons?
Everything! It’s a relaxed atmosphere. I feel that I can ask any question again and again. I have learnt so much.
Alison will demonstrate and help but never takes over. So the finished product is mine. I have also met many wonderful sewing student at Sewing School. It’s such fun to go to, as well as learning skills. I feel I’m being stretched.
I now have many items of clothing in my wardrobe that I have made and am happy to wear.