It was always my intention that this would be a slow sewing project, something just for me that I could take my time over and would love and treasure for years to come.

I started cutting this out back in May during lockdown. The project is the Lichen Duster from Sew Liberated.
You can read more about how that project began here.
The cutting out became a mammoth task in itself because I was making the duster from upcycled jeans and I wanted to make it as symmetrical as possible. Some of the pieces were longer than any of the jeans in my stash, so I then had to start piecing together different jeans to create long enough pieces of fabric.

Time to sew just for myself was on short supply, so I didn’t actually pick this up again until early September – when it actually became a more seasonally appropriate and my motivation to get it completed was much higher as a result. Nobody wants to sew something that they’re not going to be able to wear for months as the weather is either too hot or too cold, do they?

So last week when I had a few hours I got the box back out and started to figure out which jeans went best with which pieces and which jeans I would piece together to make the longer front pattern pieces.

I actually realised (which is often the case with a project that has been side-lined for a while,) that I had cut much more of the pattern pieces than I realised, which was quite gratifying! So although the few pieces I had left to cut out, took some time, it didn’t take as long as I had built it up to in my head.
I cut up the jeans legs, unpicked seams, pockets etc to allow extra space and reduce bulk and cut out my patterns mirroring each piece as much as I could. I had to make a decision about the jeans I was piecing together about how to finish the seams. Some are bound with bias binding and others have been overlocked, mimicking some of the existing seams on the jeans.

Once all the pattern pieces were fully cut out it was time to transfer the markings from the pattern to the fabric. I had opted to just spot interface the stress points on the collar, so with that done I was ready to start constructing the garment.
The first pattern instructions are (as with any good pattern) stay stitching your pattern pieces and then finishing the edges of the facing which I have done with bias binding to tie in with the bound seams of the rest of the project.
I love my orange floral bias binding with the denim!
Following this is starting to piece together the back skirt sections, which are starting to come together, but as each seam has to be sewn 5 times in total with the bias binding, this is slower going and is one of the reasons that I always planned this to be a slow sewing project, so I can take my time with it. My concern is that I will need to purchase more bias binding as my supplies are getting eaten up rather quickly!!!
Sewing time was up for the day, but I will be sharing more with you in the coming weeks.
Alison xx
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