Here in the UK, we are facing the reality of another 3 weeks (at least) in lockdown! I’m sure, like me, that this was not the news that you were hoping for!
How many times since this has started have you uttered the words: When all this is over I’m going to…? In our household it’s been said a lot! But already I’ve forgotten half the things I’ve said I want to do.
Lockdown has been a good time for reflection and considering how you want your life to be when normality resumes, but once we no longer have to stay home are we going to remember all our good ideas and future intentions?
Gary had come across an idea online to write down all your “when this is all over I’m going to…” ideas and put them into a box. Then after lockdown you choose a note at random and do whatever it says.
So this morning we started our “After Lockdown Box” and added our first few notes. All that was needed was a pretty box, a pen and some small sheets of paper. (I just cut up some A4 printer paper.)
Some of the thoughts will be smaller things and some will be bigger and require more planning, but gradually we will work our way through, until the box is empty.
Have you thought about what you want to do once lockdown is over?
- Places you would like to go
- Friends you would like to visit
- Things you would like to learn
- Jobs you’d like to do
- Sights you want to see
- Skills you’d like to develop
- Experiences you’d like to have
This possibilities endless and it’s totally personal to you. If you’ve got ideas you’d like to share, I’d love to hear about what you want to do after lockdown.
A few of you have already said to me that when all this is over you are going to join one of my courses or workshops and I’m really excited to have you learn and develop your skills with me.
I know that lots of you have been using lockdown to spend some more time sewing, which is fantastic.
Others are getting frustrated because they don’t know how or where to start and feel you need the support of a teacher.
If these are on of your list of:
“When all this is over I’m going to…”
- … learn to sew”
- … develop my dressmaking skills”
- … take a dressmaking course”
- … have sewing lessons with an experienced tutor”
Then consider making a commitment to yourself so that you don’t forget about what you want to do when a level of normality returns and buy yourself some gift vouchers now. That way you’ve made a financial commitment to do it and are much more likely to go ahead and actually do it.
Make yourself a Commitment – Buy Gift Vouchers here
Just a quick reminder that it’s the iSEWlation Sew Together on Zoom, every Friday during lockdown at 6.30pm from the comfort of your own sewing space.
An opportunity to join with other sewists and dressmakers to chat about your projects and get expert advice.
Pay as you can/Pay as you feel here – If you are in a financially secure position, please pay whatever you feel is right. If your income like mine is precarious at best right now, then join us for free.
Join the Bagladybird – Learn to Sew – Friday iSEWlation Sew Together Here
I’m about to tackle these huge boxes of denim to create a fab upcycling project that I look forward to sharing more of with you soon.
Have a great weekend.
Love & stitches
Alison xx