I’m a little bit sad this week as all the new terms courses were due to start and I’d be working with all my lovely students again. As soon as it is safe and prudent to do so, classes will resume. I know that it’s not forever but I miss you all.
I don’t think any of us anticipated the current situation and it is very strange. But when the world turns upside down; what do you do?
I know everyone’s circumstances are not the same and people have been dealing with it differently and it the best way that they can. If you are struggling, please reach out and ask for help.
(I’m here if you need someone to talk to, just send me a message and we can arrange a call.)
I have characteristically been keeping my mindset positive and have been using this time to teach myself a new skill. I am learning to digitise my patterns so I can release them to the world in PDF form.
Here’s what I’ve been playing about with. I’ve still got a way to go before I’ve got anything ready to release to the public. It’s been a real lightbulb moment for me to learn this stuff.
When I was at university in the 90’s studying fashion, computer aided design and manufacture were something we touched on briefly as the future of fashion, but it was not something we covered in any depth.
It has been one of my goals since I first starting teaching to create a range of dressmaking patterns and I am strangely grateful for this time to be able to intensively learn what I need to do this.
One of the other things I’ve been doing is soaking up fashion inspiration. I have started to compile a list of shows and films that have drool worthy clothes to lust over and I hope to share this with you soon. I’m never going to run out of things to watch. Watching Killing Eve this week was what got me started on this quest.
What have you been doing that makes good use of this time?
For me it is really important to stay connected to people at the minute. You might have noticed that I’m sending out more emails than usual, showing up more on Facebook especially with Facebook Live videos. I hope you appreciate the content I’m sharing.
I love the sewing community and it is awesome the way that so many people have stepped up, making scrubs, scrub bags and masks for those that need it, it goes to show what an essential skill sewing is.
One of the best ways I’ve found of connecting with others is using Zoom (video conferencing app).
Every Friday evening since lockdown started, I have hosted an iSEWlation Sew Together by Zoom and I’ve been joined by a lovely group of dressmakers. We chat about what we’ve been sewing, show off our makes and I give advice (if required) for any projects and techniques, but most importantly we have fun and connect with other human beings.
I run the iSEWlation Sew Together as a Pay as you Can/Pay as you Feel as I know a lot of people (myself included) have been impacted financially by this pandemic and I want to be able to help where I can.
Join iSEWlation Sew Together Here – Friday 6.30pm
Pay as you Feel Here
I hope some of you will join me at 6.30 this evening. If you need some help installing Zoom, please get in touch and I can talk you through it.
If you are itching to get your teeth into a new project, remember that I have a collection of patterns from independent pattern designers available to buy. Click here to see the range. Just send me a message to place an order (all individually priced, £1.50 p&p).
Love & stitches
Alison xx